$3000 Draw Spot Prize Donations and Return of Sold Ticket Subs & Money!

9 Jan by Dean Glare

Dear Life Members, Players & Officials, Past Players & Officials, Supporters & Sponsors,

If you have any donations you can make for spot prizes for our $3000 Draw, on Sunday January 26 from around Midday, they would be very gratefully received. You can drop them off to the back room upstairs in the Wally Tew Pavilion or at the FTGCC Bar any time before then.

All Senior and Veteran players are asked to sell/buy at least one book of two tickets ($50 per ticket). If you are a Senior/Veteran player and you are yet to recieve a book of tickets please contact Dean Glare (0424068163) ASAP. Please ensure you return your ticket stubs and money for the $3000 Draw to either the bar or Dean Glare ASAP and preferably by Thursday January 23. If you need more tickets to sell or would like to purchase more tickets please contact Dean Glare (042068163).

Kind Regards

Dean Glare

On Behalf of the FTGCC Committee

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