Seniors & Vets Update!
18 Feb by Dean Glare
FTGCC Seniors & Vets this week:
Tuesday: Senior training at Wally Tew.
Thursday: Senior training at Wally Tew then across to Dobson Park, Francis Crescent, FTG for dinner, drinks, team announcements and all of the usual fun.
Saturday: One Day games for all Senior teams then whole club across to Dobson Park for Club Night. Dinner, drinks and all the usual fun.
Sunday: Ones have a One Day game at Wally Tew 2. Vets 1s have a Semi Final at St Joes. Vets 2s have a Semi Final at Eildon Park 2. Then everyone back to Wally Tew 2. We hope to have a bar running out of the Wally Tew 2 pavilion on Sunday. If not, we will let you know it is BYO.
Please get around and support as many of our teams as you can this weekend. 💙
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