
Match Day Round 3

Sat, 28 Nov 2020
from 12:45pm to 6:30pm

by Dean Glare
Posted: almost 4 years ago
Updated: almost 4 years ago by Dean Glare
Visible to: public

Time zone: Melbourne
Reminder: None
Ends: 06:30pm (duration is about 6 hours)

1st XI versus Upwey-Tecoma at Wally Tew 1.
2nd XI versus Upwey-Tecoma at Upwey-Tecoma.
3rd XI versus Silvan at Wally Tew 2.
4th XI versus Mountain Gate at Windermere Reserve.
5th XI versus The Basin at Batterham Park Reserve 2.
6th XI versus Eildon Park at Dobson Park 2.


Wally Tew Reserve

  • [2020-Nov-24 01:01 PM] Dean Glare: Updated
  • [2020-Nov-24 02:10 PM] Dean Glare: Updated

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